About the work of Mhaádeii AmaMia
and the history of the origins of Elphism

The basic, fundamental philosophy of the elph-work is the Elphism.

It is the quintessence of Mhaádeii AmaMia’s self-awareness. ELPH stands here for easy life program for harmony and is to be understood as a global program for transformation of the human consciousness into Peace. The material expression of this program is the Mhaádeii school of life.

Mhaádeii offers in her school of life the ELPH-products, in particularthe ELPH-essences as a passive and the ELPH-coaching as an active opportunity for a personality and consciousness-training.

In addition to the ELPH-therapy and the ELPH-training, all events with Mhaádeii AmaMia personally are part of the ELPH-coaching.
Through an initiation from her achieved level of consciousness Mhaádeii is giving everyone the possibility of understanding all aspects of one’s personality in this world, to accept oneself in Love and to learn to lead a life by the principles of creation with the goal of establishing a natural equilibrium and to realize Peace and a natural Joy for life.



As a holistic view of life, Elphism developed from my own personal experiences and insights on my path to self-realization. These insights and experiences were step by step implemented corresponding to my own development and were passed on to other people. I initially made the creational element Earth accessible by directly treating the human body through practical work with clients. From this the ELPH-therapy developed.

As a second step I realized the Water element, which I expressed and translated through the writing of books and the painting of pictures.

As a third step the power of the Fire element revealed itself to me, from which I developed the ELPH-essences as a connecting link between the elements, Water and Fire.

As a fourth step the creational element Air inspirited me and I attained access to the knowledge of the source of all that is. In this phase of realization I immediately shared my knowledge with students as a spiritual teacher and created the ELPH-training.

As the fifth and final step I combined the four creational elements and from this Elphism was born as a quintessence on the 12.02.2012.

Elphism is a free evolutionary teaching of peace, which guides the individual person through self-recognition to the personal responsibility for his life, from which a natural collective harmony emerges.

Elphism is based on twelve basic theses, the five creational theses and the seven life theses. These truths are borne by the onehundred-and-fortyfour comments about life situations as examples of the basic theses.

The Five Creational Theses

The first theses of creation:
Everything are you yourself. As the ONLY creator you are the beginning and the end of your world.

The second theses of creation:
If you exist as the ONLY creator then the other must be a reflection of you and as such is not separate from you.

The third theses of creation:
If you and the other are not separate from one-another, then you yourself are the causal agent of “good and bad” and as such the perpetrator as well as the victim.

The fourth theses of creation:
If as the creator you are both the victim and the perpetrator, then there is no guilt with the other. If there is no guilt with the other then there is no reason to look for the cause in the other or to demand punishment for guilt externally.

The fifth theses of creation:
No being is “bad” or “good” by nature but is always “divine” at his core. But every being has the right of having the experience of “good” and “bad” through his own free will in order to thereby experience duality.



The Seven Theses of Life

The first theses of life:
All people are the same at their core and should not be discriminatively judged by their outer expression. For this reason high regard and Respect for every life form are the basis for harmony within every collective world.

The second theses of life:
Every person has the right to avail of the abundance of his world through his creative power without limitations as long as he takes on the consequences of this.

The third theses of life:
Every person carries the direct responsibility for all consequences from his creations, whether he is aware of it or not.

The fourth theses of life:
Through his ability of self-awareness of cause and effect, every person is obliged to reach natural forgiveness whenever he has defied against one of the theses of life. From this forgiveness a person receives unconditional salvation.

The fifth theses of life:
Everything a person sends out through the power of his free creative mind will unavoidably return to him at a given time. If he does not accept this he loses access to his creative power.

The sixth theses of life:
Every person’s free will is inviolable. If a person uses his free creative mind in order to manipulate another person or to consciously harm him, he loses his own free will and with it his creative power.

The seventh theses of life:
Every person is obliged to preserve his highest consciousness in order to recognize the ability to discriminate between “Good” or “Bad” of his creations. If he loses this ability to discriminate he remains powerless until he has found it once more.

The onehundred-and-fortyfour comments
will be published at various intervals on the website www.mhaádeii.net